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Universal Carrier (Bren Carrier)

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The Universal Carrier was an Armoured Personel Carrier designed in 1934, manufactured by Vickers Armstrong and was in use from 1935 to 1980. It was commonly called a Bren Carrier.

Flag of World War 2 Britain
Photo of Universal Carrier (Bren Carrier)

General Details (APC)
Operational Date(s)1935 - 1980
Quantity Produced57000
Weight3.75 tonne
M.G's small1
M.G's large(>10mm)n/a
Length3.69 mtr
Width2.08 mtr
Height1.46 mtr
Engine Details/Performance
Max Road Speed30 mph
Max Cross Country Speed16 mph
Range Road150 miles
Range Cross Country60 miles
Fuel TypePetrol
Fuel Capacity20 gal
Horse Power85 hp
Power/Weight22 hp/tonne
General Information
The Universal Carrier was an Armoured Personel Carrier designed in 1934, manufactured by Vickers Armstrong and was in use from 1935 to 1980. It was commonly called a Bren Carrier.

The vehicle was powered by Ford 'V8' petrol powerplant producing 85 HP which could drive the vehicle on roads at up to 30 mph with a range of about 150 miles before refuelling. Its cross country performance was good providing a max speed of about 16 mph and a range of about 60 miles.

It was armed with 1 light machine gun , a Bren Gun. The Bren Carrier or the more accurate name the Universal Carrier was designed around the Carden Lloyd tankettes from the 1920s.

This small vehicle was used in numerous roles and had a number of derivatives, all with the same basic chassis.

Various models were produced MkI,MkII, the wasp a flame throwing model, and the Preying Mantis an experimental design to fire machine guns over walls or high hedges.

Armour Details
Armour (x)mm @ (y)° (Effective mm @ 0°)
Effective Armour - Maximum 10 mm - Minimum 7 mm

Weapon Details
Bren Gun
(Machine Gun)
photo of Bren Gun from Bren gun photo from Wikipedia
The Bren gun was licenced from the Czechoslovak ZB vz.27 light machine gun which was designed and manufactured in Brno from 1935.

It fired the standard British .303 rifle round.
Manufactured1930 - 2004
Rate of Fire500 rpm

Ammunition Details
Name/Id Calibre Weight MVelocity Explosive Content
Standard british .303 round - HPBT
(BALL Standard Small Arms)
7.70mm 0.01Kg 761M/Sec
Flight Time(Secs) 0.17
Penetration(mm@30°) 1
Penetration(mm@0°) 2
Hit Probability(%) 98

Standard british .303 round
(BALL Standard Small Arms)
7.70mm 0.017Kg 783M/Sec
Flight Time(Secs) 0.15
Penetration(mm@30°) 4
Penetration(mm@0°) 5
Hit Probability(%) 98

Hit probability is based on a static 2 x 2.4 metre panel at 0 degrees(vertical) at the range specified.

The data that has been used to create these records has come from Wikipedia, The Lone Sentry, The Bundes Archive and numerous books and websites that have provided the detailed information that has not been available anywhere else. The information we use to calculate the penetration tables, flight times and the hit probability comes from the Gun Calibre, the Shell Mass(Kg) and the muzzle velocity, plus range reductions to allow for gravity and wind resistance. This calculation originally came from a pre-war Krupp calculation which has been modified, and seems to fit the actual test results.

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