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PzKpfw V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz 171 (Panther)

or Panzer V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz 171
or Panzerkampfwagen V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz 171(armoured fighting vehicle)
Ordnance classification - SdKfz 172
or Sonderkraftfahrzeug(special purpose vehicle) number 172
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The PzKpfw V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz 171, it was based on the fully tracked Panther chassis and was in use from 1943 to 1945. It was commonly called a Panther.

Flag of World War 2 Germany
Photo of PzKpfw V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz  171 (Panther)
PzKpfw V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz  171(Panther) scale illustration

General Details (Heavy Tank)
Operational Date(s)1943 - 1945
Ordnance classificationSdKfz 172
Quantity Produced2000
M.G's small2
M.G's large(>10mm)n/a
Length7.05 mtr
Width3.52 mtr
Height2.98 mtr
Engine Details/Performance
Max Road Speed29 mph
Max Cross Country Speed15 mph
Range Road125 miles
Range Cross Country62 miles
Fuel TypePetrol
Fuel Capacity160 gal
Horse Power700 hp
General Information
The PzKpfw V Ausf A (Panther) SdKfz 171, it was based on the fully tracked Panther chassis and was in use from 1943 to 1945. It was commonly called a Panther.

It was armed with 2 light machine guns which were 7.92mm MG 34s. Its main armament consisted of a 7.5cm Kwk 42 L/70 which could penetrate 178 mm of flat plate at 100 metres

The arrival of the Russian T34 prompted Hitler to order a study of the vehicle and produce a German version.

The Panther Ausf A was the second main production model after the Ausf D with a number of design modifications to improve performance, especially with regards to the drive train and turret.

Armour Details
Armour (x)mm @ (y)° (Effective mm @ 0°)
Effective Armour - Maximum 139 mm - Minimum 30 mm

Weapon Details
7.5cm Kwk 42 L/70
7.5cm Kampfwagenkanone 42 L/70
(translates as Tank Gun)
As the war progressed there was an increasing requirement to have harder hitting anti tank guns with higher velocity shells, this required an increase in length of the standard 75mm Pak 39/40 from L/48 to L/60.

The 7.5cm Kwk 42 was a version provided for tanks, specifically the Panther and was semi automatic with electric firing.
Number of Rounds 79

Ammunition Details
Name/Id Calibre Weight MVelocity Explosive Content
7.5cm Pzgr 39/42
(APCBC Armor Piercing Capped Ballistic Cap)
75mm 6.8Kg 935M/Sec
Quoted Penetration 141mm@400m/30°
Flight Time(Secs) 0.11 0.22 0.45 0.97 1.56 2.24 3.03 3.97
Penetration(mm@30°) 169 156 141 122 104 88 73 59
Penetration(mm@0°) 196 181 163 141 121 102 85 69
Hit Probability(%) 98 98 98 98 85 57 25 22

7.5cm Pzgr 40/42
(APCR Armor Piercing Composite Rigid)
75mm 4.8Kg 1120M/Sec
Quoted Penetration 150mm@1000m/30°
Flight Time(Secs) 0.09 0.19 0.39 0.84 1.39 2.05 2.87 3.92
Penetration(mm@30°) 232 213 189 161 134 109 88 68
Penetration(mm@0°) 268 246 219 186 155 127 102 79
Hit Probability(%) 98 98 98 98 90 64 34 22
Weapon Details
7.92mm MG 34
7.92mm Maschinengewehr 34
(translates as Machine Gun)
photo of 7.92mm MG 34 from Bundesarchiv(
Derived from the Solothern Maschinengewehr Modell 30, it became the main machine gun for the German army. It could be fitted with a bipod for infantry use, an Anti Aircraft mount, or a heavy tripod to turn the gun into a heavy machine gun.
Manufactured1936 - 1943
Rate of Fire800 rpm
Number of Rounds 5100

Ammunition Details
Name/Id Calibre Weight MVelocity Explosive Content
S.m.K.H tungsten Cored MG
(AP40 Armour Piercing Tungsten Cored)
8mm 0.013Kg 875M/Sec
Quoted Penetration 19mm @ 100mtr/0°
Flight Time(Secs) 0.14 0.33 1.04
Penetration(mm@30°) 17 13 7
Penetration(mm@0°) 20 16 9
Hit Probability(%) 98 98 98

(BALL Standard Small Arms)
7.92mm 0.012Kg 785M/Sec
Quoted Penetration 8mm@100m/30°
Flight Time(Secs) 0.2
Penetration(mm@30°) 5
Penetration(mm@0°) 6
Hit Probability(%) 98

Hit probability is based on a static 2 x 2.4 metre panel at 0 degrees(vertical) at the range specified.

The data that has been used to create these records has come from Wikipedia, The Lone Sentry, The Bundes Archive and numerous books and websites that have provided the detailed information that has not been available anywhere else. The information we use to calculate the penetration tables, flight times and the hit probability comes from the Gun Calibre, the Shell Mass(Kg) and the muzzle velocity, plus range reductions to allow for gravity and wind resistance. This calculation originally came from a pre-war Krupp calculation which has been modified, and seems to fit the actual test results.

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